[On patiently waiting for the big deal] The alligator waited motionless as a log near the shore. Though he was hungry, he ignored the minnows. He seemed harmless as a log. Then a big fish swam by. He gulped it down whole.
If you expect something in return for your charity, it isn’t charity.
Life is a big craps game.
We had the same doomsday people when we were building the MGM Grand, same people, same doomsday. You have to ask a lot of questions and listen to people, but eventually, you have to go by your own instincts.
I’m not a firm believer that you have to have 30 years of experience, if you’ve got good common sense.
I’m far from being reclusive. I have 30- or 40-year friendships that I prefer to meeting new people. I go to an occasional party, but just because I don’t go to a lot of events, and I’m not out in public all the time doesn’t mean I’m anti-social or a recluse.
I used to think that if I made $50,000 I’d be the happiest guy in the world.
When you’re a self-made man, you start very early in life. In my case it was at 9 years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that’s a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited.
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