If one listens to the faintest but constant suggestions of his genius, which are certainly true, he sees not to what extremes, or even insanity, it may lead him; and yet that way, as he grows more resolute and faithful, his road lies.
National enthusiasm is the great nursery of genius.
A man doesn’t need brilliance or genius, all he needs is energy.
There is no genius in life like the genius of energy and industry.
Name the greatest of all inventors: Accident.
Activity back of a very small idea will produce more than inactivity and the planning of genius.
He who anticipates his century is generally persecuted when living, and is always pilfered when dead.
Genius creates, and taste preserves. Taste is the good sense of genius; without taste, genius is only sublime folly.
Beware of dissipating your powers; strive constantly to concentrate them. Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but it is sure to repent every ill-judged outlay.
The three indispensables of genius are understanding, feeling, and perseverance. The three things that enrich genius are contentment of mind, the cherishing of good thoughts, and exercising the memory.
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