The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is timing. It waits on the right time to act, for the right principles, and in the right way.
I am an impatient optimist. The world is getting better, but it’s not getting better fast enough, and it’s not getting better for everyone.
Coolness and absence of heat and haste indicate fine qualities.
Allow time and moderate delay; haste manages all things badly.
Hurry is the weakness of fools.
The man who saves time by galloping loses it by missing his way; the shepherd who hurries his flock to get them home spends the night on the mountain looking for the lost; economy does not consist in haste, but in certainty.
We live in an age of haste. Some people look at an egg and expect it to crow.
A leaf that is destined to grow large is full of grooves and wrinkles at the start. Now if one has no patience and wants it smooth offhand like a willow leaf, there is trouble ahead.
Great undertakings cannot succeed during periods of division and mutual alienation. The superior man recognizes the circumstances, does not become impatient, and sets about achieving gradual improvements in small matters.
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