Calamities are of two kinds: misfortune to ourselves, and good fortune to others.
From its beginning, the world has been filled with a succession of calamities; over and above the unavoidable facts of illness, decrepitude and death.
If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart.
Let us only suffer any person to tell us his story morning and evening, but for twelve months, and he will become our master.
If your head or dress caught fire in haste you would extinguish it, Do likewise with desire Which whirls the wheel of wandering-on and is the root of suffering. No better thing to do!
For there are deeds Which have no form, sufferings which have no tongue.
To suffer, is a necessity entailed upon thy nature, wouldst thou that miracles should protect thee from its lessons? or shalt thou repine, because it happeneth unto thee, when lo! it happeneth unto all? Suffering is the golden cross upon which the rose of the Soul unfoldeth.
By suffering comes wisdom.
The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks, while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to keep down the diver while he is hunting for pearls.
Suffering is the surest means of making us truthful to ourselves.
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