The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.
The taxpayer; that’s someone who works for the federal government, but doesn’t have to take a civil service examination.
No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.
If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible.
We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.
When all is lost, ask the I.R.S. – they’ll find something.
Owning your own home is America’s unique recipe for avoiding revolution and promoting pseudo-equality at the same time. To keep citizens puttering in their yards instead of sputtering on the barricades, the government has gladly deprived itself of billions in tax revenues by letting home “owners” deduct mortgage interest payments.
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has.
When there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward.
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